英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:50:45

crack down

英 [kræk daun]

美 [kræk daʊn]

对 ... 采取严厉措施; 镇压
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

crack down


1. repress or suppress (something regarded as undesirable)

e.g. The police clamped down on illegal drugs

Synonym: clamp down


1. 打击:中国人民银行(the Peoples Bank of China)称正在调查是否打击(crack down)Q币,因为它某种程度上已经进入现实物品(real world goods)购买领域. 但QQ称Q币本身只是一种正常商品(regular commodity),并非货币(currency).

2. 制裁:crack-brained 疯狂的 | crack-down 制裁 | crack-up 撞碎

3. crack down的意思

3. 劈啪击下:crack down on 制裁 | crack down 劈啪击下 | crack of dawn 黎明


4. 镇压,取缔,扫荡:correspond to与...一致,符合,等于,相当于,与...相似 | crack down镇压,取缔,扫荡 | cross out规划

Before I worked in sales, but now my job is to crack down on counterfeits.(以前我是做销售工作的,现在我的工作就是打假。)
Tencent security team said it resolutely crack down on the use of QQ group for personal information trafficking violations.(腾讯安全团队表示,坚决打击利用QQ群进行个人信息贩卖的违规违法行为。)
He said the security forces would continue to crack down hard on the protestors.(他说安全部队将继续严厉镇压抗议者。)
The case 'marks a milestone in China's efforts to crack down on Internet piracy, ' it said.(它表示,此案是中国打击互联网盗版行动的一个里程碑。)
The authorities will introduce a rating system to online games this year to crack down on vulgar content.(有关方面会在今年启用网络游戏分级制度,打击游戏中粗俗的内容。)
New Zealand recently suspended a law under which Internet service providers would have been required to crack down on illicit copying.(新西兰最近暂停施行一项法律,根据该法律,互联网服务提供商将被要求对非法复制行为采取严厉措施。)
There is fortunately no need for new regulations to crack down on such irresponsible lending practices.(幸运的是,不需要用新规定来制裁这种不负责任的贷款行为。)
Mr. Olmert charged that the Palestinians have not done enough to crack down on militant groups, while Mr. Abbas complained about Jewish-settlement expansion.(奥尔默特指责说,巴勒斯坦人在严厉打击激进组织方面没有做出足够的努力;而阿巴斯抱怨犹太人扩建定居点。)
The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.(警察真要对那些随便停放汽车的司机采取严厉措施了。)
The White House turned to Internet registrars when it convened a meeting in September about how best to crack down online pharmaceutical fraud.(九月份白宫召开了一次会议,内容是关于如何最好地取缔网上的药品诈骗,会上白宫求助了网络注册商。)
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